Friday, August 31

Vol: 37 No: 10

August Theme: Membership & Extension Month

Lookout Reserve Roster: 
2/9/18 – 8/9/18 Coral Barker, 9/9/18 – 15/9/18 Geoff Ford
Rotary Notes 28 August 2018
Visitors:Sue Harling, Jenny Templeton, Elaine Elliott, and Kerrie Ricchini
Chair: Andrea Tierney
President’s Report:
President Graeme Chamberlain
President Graeme congratulates Jim Ricchini
presented a Paul Harris Fellowship to Jim Ricchini for his contributions to Rotary. Jim joined the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove in 2009. He was Market Manager for five years, a member of the Vocation Committee and made many other contributions to the Club’s activities. Jim responded with thanks, saying he was humbled by the presentation.
Marian Walton reported that she had met up with Jacqui Honeywell, our last youth exchange student, on the weekend. Jacqui is doing year 11 this year as well as year 12 German and hopes to study German at University. Marian said that Jacqui had gained a lot from her exchange year and is much more mature than when she left Australia.
Rod GreerInternational Committee: Rod called for a meeting of the Committee for 5.30 pm next Tuesday to discuss meeting with Deb Singleton from Christian College regarding the Vinqueque project and future options. He also said that samples for proposed new dinner badgers were on display. Please give him or Coog feedback regarding your preferences.
Judy GreerFamily of Rotary: reported that Sam Ho was still waiting on the birth of her child. Then, minutes later, we received messages that baby Dylan had been born this night, 28thAugust weight 3.32 kg. Both mother and baby doing well. Also Norm Elliott was welcomed back, recovering well from his stroke.
Adrian SchmidtMarket: The first summer market will be held on the 7thOctober. A roster sign-up sheet will be passed around at the next meeting.
Geoff Brentnall reported that Parkinson Melbourne’s Walk in the Park was holding a local Geelong walk on the 9thSeptember. It is a two-kilometre walk and Geoff will be participating. He asked for voluntary donations and a sign-up sheet was passed around.
Footy Tipping – as Alex McGee is ill, the winners will be announced next week. There is no tipping this week, but it will resume for the finals.
Guest Speaker: Jayson Killick, Stroke Safe
Stroke Safe is a program for the Stroke Foundation emphasing the importance of lifestyle in preventing strokes. Jayson had a stroke in 2010 at the age of 35. He had been a heavy smoker, 50 cigarettes a day, ate junk food and had high cholesterol. He had his stroke while driving a taxi, and had apparently driven himself to the hospital, although he does not remember doing it. He spent eight weeks in Warrnambool Hospital, could not move his right arm or leg, or speak. He had an extensive period of physio and it was three years before he could drive again.
There are two main types of stroke. Clot, where small parts of the brain die over time, and Bleed, where pressure behind a clot causes the arteries to bleed. People may also suffer Transient Ischaemic Attack where the blood supply to the brain is interrupted for a short time, which is a warning of oncoming stroke. The symptoms will go away within 24 hours. However, it should be treated as a stroke. There are various symptoms of stroke, including impacts on sensory functions, language, vision, hearing, posture-balance, speech, smell, and emotions. Stoke kills more women than breast cancer and more men than prostate cancer. Thirty percent of people affected are of working age. Stoke is survivable and in 2018, half a million people survived a stroke.
Eighty percent of strokes are preventable. Know your blood pressure, eat less salt and check for hidden salts in processed foods, eat a balanced nutritious diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and less fat, undertake 30 minutes of exercise a day, stop smoking, and see a GP for a health check. Evidence that someone is having a stroke include face drooped, cannot lift both arms to chest height, slurred speech or they cannot understand you. Call 000 or 112 for mobiles, or even 911 if you see any of these signs. People need to get treatment within four and a half hours.
Stroke week is from 3rdSeptember to 10thSeptember. For information Call 1800 787 657 or 1800 STROKE. There are a number of major research projects and international collaborations looking at ways to reduce scarring on the brain as a result of stroke, which will help achieve quicker recovery.
Thank you, Ann Hodgkinson