Wednesday, October 5

Vol. 30 No. 15

October 4th 2011
October Theme: Vocational Service 
Vocational Service Committee: Tony Haines (C), Gerry Spencer, Geoff Chandler.
Notice of meeting for The Rotary Club of Ocean Grove 
Club Grove, 18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday October 11th 6.00 for 6.30 p.m.
Subject:  Vocational Skills Speaker:  Jane Trewin.  Skills Centre Manager, Gordon Institute (also Apprentice of the Year). 
Chairperson:  Michael Cummins
Assistant Cashier and Thanker:  Geoff Ford
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant:  Peter Hawthorne
Weekly Raffle: Alex Magee
Birthdays and Anniversaries:  Oct 11th Patsy Bush, 5th Fred and Wilma Andrews,       6th Bill and Marion Walton.
Notice of meeting for The Rotary Club of Ocean Grove 
Club Grove, 18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday October 18th 6.00 for 6.30 p.m.
Subject: Art Show and Megaswim Speakers: Several.   
Chairperson:  Ian Downing
Assistant Cashier:  Bill Walton
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant:  Marion Walton
Weekly Raffle: Peter McLennan
Birthdays and Anniversaries:  13th Ingrid Cummins, 15th Pippa Paton, 19th Rod Birrell, 23rd Bill Walton; 6th Michael & Barbara Cummins, 23 John and Pippa Paton.
The meeting of October 4th and sundry interesting bits and pieces.
Russell and Joy Dale.  Both are PHF’s and Past President’s. 
Mary Rose and Tom Attard.  Tom is our sponsored student to the National Youth Science Forum to be held in Canberra in January. (Mary is Tom’s Mum!)
Tom had been invited to visit the Club to see ‘Rotary in Action’.  Hopefully, he and Mary had a positive experience. 
At the beginning of the meeting…
Club Grove Manager Michael spoke to the meeting and gave an apology for last week’s meal and service. He also informed the Club we would not be charged for the meal last week. It was a gracious gesture and was appreciated by members.  
Later in the meeting President Margaret asked for suggestions as to what we should do with the money paid last week.  A number of suggestions were offered.  
(Ed.  While expenditure is a Board matter, Marg would be only too happy to receive suggestions as to where the money should go.   Personally, I would suggest it become part of our contribution to the Rotary Foundation or one of its designated funds.)
A highlight –for some – of this week’s meeting was the Geelong Fanatics revelling in their 3rd Grand Final win in 5 years.  A reluctant, congratulations, was offered through gritted teeth by many on the non-Geelong supporters. 
Reports and Notices
  • Vocational.  Tony Haines led a discussion on the amended Gordon Scholarship proposal.  All members (on email) had received a copy of the suggested changes and were asked to vote on their preference.  The clear majority were in favour of  adopting the model suggested by The Gordon for a First Year Scholarship, where we were involved in helping to select the student.   
  • Secretary Vic called for Directors Reports before Friday October 7th as there is a Board meeting Tuesday October 11th.
  • FROGS Meeting on Wednesday 5th will have about 18 attending.  An Olympic Physio will be the guest speaker.
  • Summer Market Season has started.  Jim Ricchini reported that there were 76 sites booked. We raised $165 from the Mitre 10 Raffle (and have been promised 8 vouchers for the rest of the season.  Thanks Mitre 10!!); $644 was raised at the gate for the Neighbour Centre.   Jim thanked all those who did their rostered duties and invited all to check their emails to know when they are on duty.
  • Art Show.  Dick Clay is looking to fill the raffle ticket roster.  Contact him to take up the opportunity.  Ian reported that we have now a ‘good number’ of entries.  President Marg was able to get volunteers to had out Art Show Posters in the surrounding towns.
  • Car Raffle.  Ticket selling for the car raffle will begin after the Art Show.  We have ordered 750 books.  Gary Golding is organizing the rosters. 
  • Footy Tipping.  Due to the busy program, Alex will hold over making some final, finals presentations until next week.
Sergeant John, made money out many people’s misfortune, such as those who missed their market duties due to daylight saving and amnesia.  He also lightened the pocket of Geelong supporters for claiming their ‘efforts’ in some way contributed to Geelong winning.   
Guest Speaker. PP Russell Dale PHF.
The Rotary Foundation –Our Rotary Legacy
Russell presented a detailed outline of the history of the Rotary Foundation from its creation by Arch Klumph in 1917 through to its many and varied programs today.  The many ways in which people can contribute to the Foundation were outlined and these can be found on the Rotary International web site  Of particular note is the District 9780 Paul Harris Society.
Russell explained the many programs that are sponsored and supported by the Foundation and had local and overseas examples to illustrate the avenues of service that are available. It served to stress the tremendous work that is done by the Foundation through Rotarians locally and internationally.
He concluded his presentation with the mission statement: 
“Our world – not as it is, but as what it could be.” 
Russell can be contacted on 
A Collection of ‘ponderisms’:
  • Can you cry under water?
  • How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
  • Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity?
  • Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
  • What disease did cured ham actually have?
  • Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up every two hours?
  • If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?
  • Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural?
  • For Richard and Helen:  Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane.
Rod G .