Friday, November 25

Vol 30 No 22

November 22nd  2011
 November Theme:  Rotary Foundation Month
Committee: Trevor McArdle, Martin Geerings, John Wynn, Geoff Chandler
Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove 
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday, November 29th 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Subject:  VCE Support Awards Presentation     Speaker:    VCE Awardee’s
(Bellarine Secondary College)
Part 3 of Vocational Service Awards
Chairperson:   Ann Hodgkinson (Chairperson, New Generations)
Assistant Cashier and Thanker:  Rod Bush
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant:   Bill Walton
Weekly Raffle:  James Ricchini
Birthdays and Anniversaries to Dec 6th:   
Birthdays:  1st Bill Steains, 3rd Heather Franken, 6th Judy Greer,
Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove 
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
December Theme:  Family of Rotary
Committee:  Family and Friends of Rotary,  
Norm Elliott, Judy Greer, Jan Flett.
Tuesday, December 6th  6.00pm for 6.30pm
Seniors Dinner   
Chairperson:   Phil Edwards
Assistant Cashier and Thanker:  Hans Franken
Greeters and Assistant Sergeant:  Marion and Bill Walton
Birthday and Anniversaries to December 13th:  
Birthdays:  7th Ann Hodgkinson, 11th Kerrie Ricchini, 12th Jan Brown, 
Anniversaries:  None that I could find!
2011 Annual General Meeting
This was run and won in almost record time!  
Congratulations to the various ‘electees’.  
The Board for 2012/13 is as follows;
President Dick Clay
President Elect Gordon King
Vice President Geoff Chandler
Secretary Vic Harnath
Treasurer Fred Andrews
Past President Margaret Campbell
Foundation Trevor McArdle
Membership John Paton
Service Projects Phil Edwards
Public Relations John Flett
Public Officer (from July 1st 2012 will be Secretary Vic Harnath, until then Tony Haines will continue in the role)
The Treasurer’s annual report was accepted and there was not any general business.
Important notice to members.  Membership Nomination
The Club has received a nomination for membership on behalf of Graeme Chamberlain.
Graeme has been a member of the Nathalia Rotary Club (PP, PHF and  was inducted into Rotary in 1991). Graeme and his wife, Sandie,  have now moved to Ocean Grove.  Currently, he is taking up a role as manager of the Pt Lonsdale Caravan Park.  In Nathalia he owned and operated the local hardware store and before that was involved in trucking.  He has visited our club on a number of occasions in the past. 
If anyone has any objections to Graeme becoming a member then they are requested to put their objections in writing to the secretary within seven days.
The Meeting of November 22nd
Rtn Graeme Chamberlain (RC Nathalia),  Constable Justin (Judd) Joseph, Nicky Dunn (Neighbour House), Mary Elliott (RC Torquay), Tony Allan (heart donor recipient of 18 years).
Welcome back to Rtn Ian Bent.
Part 2 of Pride of Workmanship Awards.  
Tony Haines spoke to the commendation for Constable Justin Joseph on behalf of the Vocational Service Committee.  Justin is a respected member of the police force stationed in Ocean Grove.  He has been the Youth Community Liaison Officer for 3 years and in that role has been involved on a weekly basis with youth and has organised an annual ‘Challenge Camp’ for ‘challenged youth’.  His work has been invaluable in helping to break down barriers between challenged youth and their community. 
Congratulations Justin.  A worthy recipient.
Carols by Candlelight.  The local committee is looking for people to sell candles and glow sticks at this year’s carols in the park on Dec 11th.  Check your diaries and be ready to volunteer.
Vocational:  Gordon Scholarship is still in progress and visits will be made to local schools in the next week.
International:  A truck load of goods (thanks to John Wynn’s truck) have been delivered to DIK from St Peter’s Church and a couple of houses.
Youth:  VCE awards(Bellarine Secondary College) next week.  New student for 2012/13 is Zac Kingsley.  The current students and new student will be our guests next week.
Thai students visit in December.  We will be hosting 2 students for the week of  saturday Dec 10th and returned Friday 16th.  Host families have been arranged, but if anyone would like to participate then please see Ann.  
VCE Summer school has seen some interest from St Ignatius College students.
Community:  Seniors Dinner is progressing and to date there have been 48 acceptances to date.  Members won’t be serving meals this year but are asked to sit among the guests and make sure they have a good time!!
Megaswim:  This was very successful with over 2/3 of the club being involved.  To date commitments and money received has amounted to over $16,000.  There were 108 entries and 6 teams.  Already there is considerable talk of teams for next year. 
The surf club swam the furthest and were presented with the trophy.   
Two individuals raised over $1,000 each, and Team Rotary collected $600.
Thank you and congratulations to all who helped in this inaugural event.  We learnt a lot and frankly I thought we did a pretty good job, considering how little we knew of what to expect. Great leadership Trevor!
Sargeant John eased several dollars from reluctant pockets.  Of interest was that Billy Steains is moving his boat out of the Queenscliffe  Marina to a bigger moorings - his own lake!  
Organ Donation
Mary Elliott, who is the chair of District 9780 Organ Donor Committee (and does a brilliant, tireless job in the role) introduced Tony Allan to tell his story as a heart recipient.  Tony suffered cardiac myopathy and was given 6 months to live when the heart of an 18 year old became available.  Tony, has managed to survive for 18 years and is living an active life, provided he is careful of his medication and activity levels (golf, cricket umpiring).  A great story. 
Mary then outlined some of the facts relating to organ donation and the importance of registering, even if we are an older demographic.  The example set to family and community by being a donor is as important as the organs that may become available.
In expressing our appreciation for the excellent presentation Coral Barker summed up the Organ Donor program as follows:
“It is a program washed in tears.  Tears of sadness for the loved one lost, and tears of joy in the hopes of a future.”
PS.  It was fantastic to see the number of members who are organ donors.  This is in no small part due to the persistent work of Peter Hawthorne. 
Rotary Interest:  The Rotary Foundation
From November Rotary Down Under an excellent article called:
 “Global Outlook”.  A Rotarian’s Guide to the plus in Polio Plus.  
It talks about the one cause (polio eradication) having many benefits well beyond the eradication of this terrible affliction.  Please go to the effort to read the article and find out what these numbers mean;  125 to 4; 1000 to 3; 20 million; 2.5billion, etc.  
They all reflect the efforts of Rotary International and its many members over many years. 
Stuff and Nonsense
A story to gladden your hearts, nearly......
You appeared from nowhere and shamelessly, without  any reservations you laid on my naked body........You sensed my indifference so you applied your hungry mouth to me without any guilt or humiliation, and you drove me near crazy while you drained me.
Finally I drifted off to sleep.

Today when I awoke, you were gone, I searched for you but to no avail, only the sheets bore witness to last night’s events.
My body still bears faint marks of your enthusiastic ravishing, making all the more difficult to forget you.
Tonight, I will remain awake, waiting for you....... 

Bloody Mosquito!!!!!!
Rod G .