Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday, March 20th, 6.00 for 6.30p.m.
Speaker: David Barkley on Clean Water Projects Overseas.
Chairman: Ian Bent.
Assistant Cashier and Thanker: John Wynne.
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: Geoff Brentnall
Weekly Raffle: David Tyrrell.
Birthdays and Anniversaries: Anne and David Tyrrell 24/3
Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday, March 27th, 6.00 for 6.30p.m.
Speaker: Jess Brown, President Ocean Grove Coast Care Group.
Chairperson: Geoff Ford.
Assistant Cashier and Thanker: James Ricchini.
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: Gerry Spencer.
Weekly Raffle: Graeme Chamberlain.
Birthday and Anniversaries: Coral Barker 30/3
Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday, April 3rd, 6.00 for 6.30 p.m.
Speaker: TBA
Chairman: Dick Clay.
Assistant Cashier and Thanker: Bob Osbourne.
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: Peter McLennan.
Weekly Raffle: Martin Geerings.
Birthday and Anniversaries: 1/4 Val Kelly
8/4 Martin Geerings
9/4 John Calnin and Gordon King
2/4 Ingrid and Geoffrey Cummins.
Report of the Meeting : 13/3/12
Notes and reminders-
- Noel Ritson-Bennett an ex exchange student from Calgary in Canada now living in Ocean Grove Joined us. He is a Vet. and may be thinking of joining us.
- FROGS. Noel Emselle had to cancel the meeting.
- Art Show. Coral Barker reported that the Pt. Lonsdale Hall has been booked for a very reasonable price. Sponsorship negotiations are ongoing.
- Ian Downing asked if any members were interested in joining the Probus Club of Surfside.
- Red Cross. Peter Hawthorne. Remember collection can go on until Easter, so a return visit to those places where no one was at home can be made. Money should be given to Fred Andrews.
- The GSE Team who are from Iceland and Queenscliffe Rotary Club would like us to join them for dinner at the Royal Hotel in Queenscliffeon 26/3. Ring Bob Iser if attending.
- Football Tipping. Alex Magee asked that those who have not yet signed up to do so soon as he does not want to be rushed at the last minute
Guest Speaker: Stacey Moore spoke most enthusiastically on the business of selling books.
Stacey owns the bookshop in The Terrace and explained that the business was wholly independent and therefore not as widely stocked as the syndicated businesses but she will obtain a book if requested. It is obvious she loves books and has worked as a librarian in a public library.Her focus is on children's literature and developing literacy levels in young people.
Forty-six percent of Australian people cannot read simple recipes, labels on medicine bottles or on food items, and newspapers. This figure includes indigenous and migrant communities. There are many distractions, e.g. time, IT, TV, expense, video games and sport. Many homes do not have books and there is little culture of reading.
This year is the National Year of Reading and August 24th is the National Day of Reading. The aim is to have everyone read for one hour. Book Grove will be supporting this event. Also supported is the Indigenous Literacy Foundation where unwanted books from schools are sent to schools where there are indigenous children. Some books are translated into indigenous languagesthus helping to keep these fast dying tongues alive.
Stacey challenged us to think about what reading does. It develops emotions and allows readers to venture into other worlds, it stimulates us and through book groups provides a venue for social interaction, and it legitimizes the formation of a routine. "Wake up and read" is a good habit to develop. All booksellers are facing increasing electronic competition, e.g. etc. By buying books this way the Australian bookselling industry is not being supported and the pleasure of browsing in a bookshop may disappear.
Stacey is a good advocate for the printed word, hopefully her love of books will stimulate others to foster this same joy and love in others.
Did you know…….? More Nurses Bloopers….
- The patient should be raped in a warm blanket!
- Equipment for a dressing – two sterile concubines (combine) on a hunchback (huckerback) towel.
- An example of friction – sexual intercourse.
- In the case of fire, remove all possible sources of fuel for the fire; e.g. the patient!
- The three canals which perforate the pelvic floor are the Urethra, Vagina and Angus.
Forward Planning… Two Partners nights
Please note partners are automatically booked in for a Partners
night so if not attending an apology MUST be recorded.