April Theme: Magazine Month.
Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday, April 24th, 6.00 for 6.30 p.m
Speaker: District Conference, past and future
It is requested that all those who attended the last conference, including partners to come to this meeting as we want their feedback. Ideas from the floor will be welcome to assist in the planning for the conference next year. Partners are also requested to come so they can hear where planning is up to and to learn where their assistance will be most welcome.
Chairman: John Calnin
Assistant Cashier and Thanker: Bill Walton.
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: Alex Magee.
Weekly Raffle: John Eyles.
Birthday and Anniversaries: 24/4 Anne Tyrrell, 28/4 Jennifer and Ian Bent.
Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday, May 1st 2012, 6.00 for 6.30p.m
Speaker: P.P. Amanda Hough, RI Torquay. Subject Interplast.
Amanda is a current member of District 9780 Interplast Committee.
Chairman: John Dodgshun.
Assistant Cashier and Thanker: Gordon King.
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: Graeme Chamberlain.
Birthdays and Anniversaries: 2/5 Fay and Geoff Eglin, 3/5 Moyra and Trevor McArdle, 6/5 Jan and John Flett.
Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove
Tuesday, May 8th 2012, 6.00 for 6.30p.m
Chairperson: James Ricchini.
Assistant Cashier and Thanker: Gerry Spencer.
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: John Wynne.
Weekly Raffle: Bill Walton.
Birthday and Anniversaries: 11/5 Anne Magee, 13/5 Jan Fox, 10/5 Carole and Rod Birrell, 11/5 Kerry and James Ricchini, 12/5 Jan and Geoff Brentnall & Marj and Gary Golding
Report of the Meeting: 17/4/2012.
Notes and reminders:
- Football Tipping. Alex Magee asked that those who have not yet paid to cough up their $50.00.
-International: Geoff Brentnall has the RAWCS stickers- they are $5.00.
Shelter Box and Rotary International have signed an agreement to become project partners. Currently many shelter boxes are going to Fiji.
- John Calnin reminded the members that the ANZAC Day Breakfast is on again. He has his group of helpers. It would be appreciated if as many members and partners as possible could attend the Dawn Service.
- Noel Emselle reminded members about the visit to the Sorrento Hotel via the 10a.m. ferry on 19/4.
Guest Speaker:
Vocational Visit. Scotchman’s Hill Winery was the very good choices to learn about a vocation most of us enjoy the fruits of the workers labors. Approximately 40 Rotarians and many partners were carefully stewarded around the winery accompanied by their glasses (those for the wine tasting).
I understand the tour guides provided a comprehensive explanation of the wine making process while your editor enjoyed her own tour close to the bar. It is easy to see why Gary enjoys working there as he gets to taste the fruits of his alchemy rather more than the rest of us and a lot more cheaply too I guess. The winery provided a good deal for members and it appeared that several took advantage of the offer. Many members will probably mote along in a mellow mood for sometime to come.
The winery visit was followed by dinner at the Drysdale Hotel, which most seemed to enjoy. This excursion was a great change from our normal format and many thanks are extended to Gary for organizing the event.
Forward Planning… Partner’s night
29th May - Annual Davidson’s Restaurant (at the Gordon) Evening.
Please note partners are automatically booked in for a Partner’s
Night, so if not attending an apology MUST be recorded.
Some more Girlie wisdom:
-Sometimes I think I understand everything, and then I regain consciousness.
- Amazing! You hang something in your wardrobe for a while and it shrinks 2 sizes.
- The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing and then they marry him.
- I read this article that said the typical symptoms of stress are eating too much, impulse buying, and driving too fast. Are they kidding? That is my idea of a perfect day.