Monday, May 21

Vol 30 No: 45

May Theme: Bowel Scan Month.

Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012, 6.00 for 6.30p.m
Speaker: Steve Hynes. - The Catherine Hamlin Fistula Program
Chairman: Geoff Brentnall
Assistant Cashier and Thanker: Phil Edwards
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: Colin Brown.
Weekly Raffle: Rod Birrell
Birthdays and Anniversaries: 22/5 Phil Edwards & Joan Steains, 25/5 Graeme Chamberlain,
27/5 Robyn and Phil Edwards
Tuesday, May 29th 2012, 6.00 for 6.30p.m
Annual Dinner: at Davidson's Room Restaurant, which is at the Gordon.
Please note this a partners night and they are automatically booked in unless an apology is recorded.
The cost is $32.50 per person.
Birthday and Anniversaries: 31/5 Bob Osbourne, 1/6 Wal Kelly
Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday, June 5th 2012, 6.00 for 6.30 p.m
Speaker: TBA.
Chairman: John Fox.
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: Geoff Ford.
Assistant Cashier and Thanker: John Eyles.
Weekly Raffle: Peter McLennan.
Birthday and Anniversaries: Nil
Report of the Meeting: 15/5/2012.
Noel Riston-Bennett is inducted by President
Margaret Campbell
President Margaret inducted Noel Ritson-Bennett. Noel is married to Kristin. They have three children, William, Roxanne and Gregory. Noel is a Veterinarian Diagnostician (a Vet he says). He will work on the International Committee. A very warm welcome is extended to Noel and his family to the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove.
Notes from the Board Meeting held last week.
- Support will be given to the purchase of a PP System for the Surfside Primary School.
-  The Club will underwrite the Mega Swim for $1000.00.
-  The Art Show will be given a loan of $4500.00 for prize money.
-  A new tent displaying the Rotary logo will be purchased.
-  A new back-up computer system is to be purchased for the Secretary.
-  The Barwon Heads Bowling Club and the Marcus Hill Community Hall (courtesy of the Ocean Grove Bridge Club) have purchased Heart Start Defibrillators.
- The money collected at the door for the next market will go to either Rotary Health or for another Shelter Box.
Notes and reminders:
- Secy Vic, The District Change-over dinner will is on 1/7/2012 at Capri in North Geelong.
  Annual reports are needed soon.
- Projects: Phil Edwards reported that the Monitor upgrade for the Ambulance has been completed.
- Art Show: the main judge has been secured. It is the President of the Victorian Artist's Society.
- Football Tipping. Alex Magee asked that those who have not yet paid to cough up their $50.00.  If you remain reluctant to oblige you must await your fate with Alex!
- International: Geoff Brentnall still has the RAWCS stickers- they are $5.00.
-  John Calnin reminded the Mega Swim team that their training sessions are on Sunday morning.
-  Please remember to avail yourselves of the tea and coffee provided during the evening, preferably before the guest speaker commences.
Report of the Meeting
Members were split into their various groups according to the list of duties for next year published on the web site. The task set for this meeting was to produce and discuss ideas for next years' activities. Notes from each groups discussion was given to PE Dick so a plan of action can be formed. By the amount of activity and levels of noise generated at the various tables there should be lots of interesting and worthwhile projects in the offing for 2012/13.
- Note to members – Apologies must be in by 11a.m. on MONDAY! Notification later than this is of no use. Co-operation with this would be appreciated.
Did you know?
- The brain is 74% water; mine often has a bit of fluff as well!
- Most newborns cry without tears until they are three to six weeks old.
- The scales on the underside of a snake are called "scutes".
- It takes about 550 peanuts to make one jar of peanut butter.
- The garfish has green bones.
Forward Planning… Partner's night
29th May - Annual Davidson's Restaurant (at the Gordon) Evening.
Please note partners are automatically booked in for a Partner's
night, so if not attending an apology MUST be recorded.
Some more Girlie wisdom:
-Sometimes I think I understand everything, and then I regain consciousness.
- Amazing! You hang something in your wardrobe for a while and it shrinks 2 sizes.
- The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing and then they marry him.
- I read this article that said the typical symptoms of stress are eating too much, impulse buying, and driving too fast. Are they kidding? That is my idea of a perfect day.