Sunday, May 14

Vol: 39 No: 40

May Theme: Youth Services Month

Lookout Reserve Maintenance Roster: 23/4/2017 – 20/5/2017 Gill Morgan,
21/5/2017 – 17/6/2017 Martin Geerings, 18/6/2017 – 15/7/2017 Peter Hawthorne.

Report of Meeting: 9/5/2017. 
Visitors: Kathy Ryan Assistant District Governor, Bob Marmion, Guest Speaker.

Kathy Ryan presented a certificate from Rotary Foundation to the Club acknowledging the donations made to Polio Plus.

- A warm welcome back from sick leave was extended to Gerry Spencer.
- A move of the summer market to Ingermells Park is being considered.
- RI Queenscliff are holding their Leggo bricks show on 10-11th June. Volunteers are needed. All volunteers must have a current Working with Children Certificate.
- May is Bowel Scan month.
- Gold coin donations for Rotary Foundation (Centurian) are required by 16th May.
- The next Bunnings' BBQ will be on Sunday 21st May. Roster was circulated; there are still several spaces to be filled. There will be four shifts of two hours.
- There will be a trivia night conducted by the Lions Club on 28th May. More information next week.
- The District Assembly at Ararat on 7/5/2017 proved useful for those who attended.

Treasurer: There has been $37,500.00 donated to charities so far this year.

Community: The collection for DIK was successful but John Wynn was unable to deliver the goods as on the orders of the COGG the facility was closed. Apparently there is mould in Osbourne House!

Foundation: The gold coin ($2.00 per week) collection boxes are still available. The boxes will be collected on 16th May.

Footy Tipping: It's on again. Please pay Alex as soon as you can. The leaders are Geoff Ford and Alex Magee at present.

NOTICE: A 'Biggest Morning Tea' for breast cancer is being held on 25th May, between 10.00am and 12.00noon at the home of Ros Thornton, 1/143 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Please contact Sandie Chamberlain at
Or 0429 662 657

Guest Speaker: Bob Marmion, author of "Murder at the Fort."
Bob very clearly demonstrated his lifelong interest in Australian military and police history particularly the colonial era of the 19th century through to 1945 when he discussed his book 'Murder at the Fort'. Following a 15-year career in the police force and PhD studies in Victorian history he took an appointment as the Fort Queenscliff Historian in 2004. It was here that he first learnt about the two murders that are the focus of his book.
As coordinator of the Victorian Defences Project 1803-1945 for the last seven years he has been involved in the recording of over 250 defence sites around Geelong and the Bellarine Peninsula. The book has been a 12year odyssey in which he has tried to explain what happened to two soldiers, Roy Willis and John Hulston who were murdered near Queenscliff in 1942. The killer or killers were never identified ' due to lack of conclusive evidence, and great confusion with the events as they unfolded.
Bob out lined the story of his book. There is no doubt that it is an involved story and as the note on the back piece of the book states' as with any good murder mystery, this story has more twists and turns than the Great Ocean Road. They range from black market operations, confessions, suspects, lost or missing police files, disagreements between the police and the army over the investigation and an attempted cover-up that went all the to the wartime Deputy Prime Ministers office.'
This was a fascinating talk and who knows what the innocent looking bland sand hills and surrounding countryside may hold.

To purchase a copy of the book many booksellers will assist or a search on the Internet will also help.

Thank you.

Note from President Elect John Calnin:

 "This years Summer Market has been completed thanks to the Chamberlain's and their helpers. This is a major fundraising project for our club and we need someone to 'step up' and take the coordinator's role as 'Coogs" is required to start planning for the PE role. It would be a great pity if the market fell over because of the lack of a coordinator. There is a huge amount of support for someone who might take this role. It is very important to have this position finalized soon. PLEASE give this some thought and take up the challenge.