Thursday, December 14

Vol 36: No. 24:

Vol. 36, No: 24.

Meeting Roster:

Lookout Reserve Maintenance Roster:

10/12/2017 – 16/12/2017   Judy Greer.
17/12/2017 – 24/12/2017.  Marion & Bill Walton.
24/12/2017 - 30/12/2017   Janet Alexander.
31/12/2017 – 6/1/2018    John Calnin.
7/1/2018 – 13/1/2018     Norm Elliott.
14/1/2018 – 20/1/2018   Gil Morgan.

Report of Meeting: 12/12/2017.

President: John Calnin is organizing a BBQ and entertainment in the main street on Australia Day. Volunteers are needed.
President John reported on several matters concerning specific people:
- Geoff Brentnall and Ann will come to the Christmas breakup.
- Vic Harnath is in SJOG having several tests. Has since moved to Geelong Hospital Heath Wing; 6th floor; 8B
- Foundation member David Cooke’s son, “Crockett’ Cook died earlier last week.
Crockett suffered from Motor Neurone Disease.
- Bill Steains has recovered from his back injury. It is rumored that an altercation with the tractor could be the next is in the running for the next event!

Fundraising: Car Raffle tickets selling in the Caravan Parks will be on 2/1/2018. Dinner following this exercise will be at the ‘sacred area’ at Bill Steains. Graeme Chamberlain will do his thing with the cooking, and a list was circulated for the supply of salads or sweet dishes. Members are required to bring glasses and liquids and maybe a seat.
Please note: Entry to Bill’s property will be from the Shell Road entrance after ticket selling is completed. The mystic way will be signposted.

Market: The next market will be held on January 7th 2018.

Art Show Sub Committee: Representatives from Riding Develops Abilities (Di McCann) and Disabled Surfers Association (Nick Ansell) were presented with cheques for $3500.00 from the proceeds of the Art Show. Members are reminded that nominations of worthy causes for the remaining $3500.00 must be in writing to either John Calnin or Alison George.

Ann Geerings, President of the Neighbourhood Centre, now to be known as the “Bellarine Training and Community Hub” was presented with a cheque of $250.00 from the Club for the Young Artists Prize as well as a cheque for $1630.00 from the Gold Coin Donation at the last market.

Social:  19/12/2017 - Christmas breakup will be at McGlashens Winery. Please bring a gift not exceeding $10, girls for girls and boys for boys. The theme is red and white. The cost will be $25.00 plus drinks.
- 3/3/2018. - Progressive Dinner.
- 17/4/2018 – Drive in Movie.
- 17/5/2018  - Car Rally.

Youth; Nominations of people aged between 18 – 25 years for the RYLA course to be held at Kangaroobi on April 8th – 13th 2017 were called for. Please notify Judy Greer if you know of someone who may be interested.

Guest Speaker: Unfortunately the speaker from ROMAC was unable to be present so Janet Alexander after some difficulty organized us into groups and tested our knowledge of Christmas facts and traditions. This was fun and hopefully our new knowledge will be remembered. Thankyou Janet.

Thank you, AG.