Sunday, December 10

Vol 36: No. 23

Lookout Reserve Maintenance Roster:
26/11/ 2017 – 9/12/2017.   Jill Grigg-Dwyer.
10/12/2017 – 16/12/2017   Judy Greer.
17/12/2017 – 24/12/2017.  Marion & Bill Walton.

Report of Meeting: 5/12/2017.

Visitors: 96 Senior Citizens.

President: John Calnin is organizing a BBQ and entertainment in the main street on Australia Day. Volunteers are needed.

Fundraising: Car Raffle tickets selling in the Caravan Parks will be on 2/1/2018. Dinner following this exercise will be at the ‘sacred area’ at Bill Steains. Graeme Chamberlain will do his thing with the cooking, and a list was circulated for the supply of salads or sweet dishes. Members are required to bring glasses and liquids and maybe a seat.

Market: Unfortunately the market was cancelled    
due to inclement weather. 

Health: Geoff Brentnall is home and would like to see visitors. Please ring before going and keep the visits short.

Social:  19/12/2017 - Christmas breakup will be at McGlashens Winery. Please bring a gift not exceeding $10, girls for girls and boys for boys. The theme is red and white. The cost will be $25.00 plus drinks.
- 3/3/2018. - Progressive Dinner.
- 17/4/2018 – Drive in Movie.
- 17/5/2018  - Car Rally.

Youth: Nominations of people aged between 18 – 25 years for the RYLA course to be held at Kangaroobi on April 8th – 13th 2017 were called for. Please notify Judy Greer if you know of someone who may be interested.

Vocational: - See report on Piggery visit to follow.

- A booklet celebrating all that is special about the woodlands, wetlands, coast and estuary environments around Ocean Grove will be launched on Thursday 7th December from 5.30 – 6.30 pm at The Pavillion in the Ocean Grove Park.  An invitation is extended to those who may like to attend.

- Seniors Christmas Dinner.
This is the 11th time the Club has hosted the Senior Citizens from the surrounding district and by the sounds of laughter and chatter as well as the smiles on the faces of our guests the evening was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

‘The Escarpments’, who regulated their volume so conversations could be heard without too much effort provided entertainment.

The Bowling Club produced a good range of Christmas fare including ham, turkey and pork as well as Christmas pudding and custard.

There were 31 Rotarians present. John Calnin thanked Marion Walton and her helpers for their work as well as the staff of the Bowls Club.

Thank you, AG.

Report on the visit to the Piggery at Wurooke South on Sunday 12/11/2017.

Approximately 40 Rotarians, partners and friends boarded the bus and amidst a loud volume of noise we reached Wurooke South and met Adam, our host and son of Marion and Bill Walton. Adam has a share in the farm which has grown from 1800 pigs under cover and 300 sows outside in Bill’s time to 10,000 under cover and 4,500 sows outside.

The land that is in use is about 200 acres.

The sows are artificially inseminated are free ranging in regulated areas where their consumption of food and fluid is carefully monitored through the use of computer chips. A mud wallow is even provided for their comfort. Each sow usually produces 2.5 litters each year. Piglets are weaned at three weeks and grown out in straw lined sheds until they reach a weight of approximately 105kg. Each shed holds 300 pigs. The shed straw and excreta from the pigs is recycled regularly to ensure the health of the animals is maintained. It appeared obvious that the pigs were contented, as they seemed to be moving around and playing quite freely.

1600 pigs are sent to the abattoirs in Talem Bend each week.

The operation commenced with 12 employees; currently there are 40 on the payroll, many of whom are from overseas.

Most pork consumed in Australia is imported from Denmark and Canada (via New Zealand.)

The obvious presence of wind turbines on the property indicated a very welcome ‘off farm’ income and their statistics were very interesting.

Adam was a good guide and justifiably pleased with his opportunity to carry on the early endeavours of Bill and Marion. Their support was sincerely acknowledged. The trip home was not quite so noisy and the outing was completed with a satisfactory meal at the Ocean Grove Golf Club.