Saturday, December 2

Vol: 36 No: 22

November Theme: Rotary Foundation Month

Lookout Reserve Maintenance Roster:
26/11/ 2017 – 9/12/2017 Jill Grigg-Dwyer, 10/12/2017 – 16/12/2017 Judy Greer,
17/12/2017 – 24/12/2017 Marion & Bill Walton

Report of Meeting: 28/11/2017
Tony and David Fox organized a memorial occasion in Ocean Grove at the Bowling Club to mark the death of John Fox. This event was well attended and several people recollected important aspects of John’s life and personality with warmth and affection. It was unfortunate that Jan was unable to attend.

Visitor: Guest Speaker: Peter Symons, RI Portland.

President: John Calnin is organizing a BBQ and entertainment in the main street on Australia Day. Volunteers are needed.
- Members are reminded that the Working With Children forms need to be filled in. A reminder has been sent to those who have not completed the form.

Fundraising: Car Raffle tickets selling in the Caravan Parks will be on 2/1/2018. Dinner following this exercise will be at the ‘sacred area’ at Bill Steains. Graeme Chamberlain will do his thing with the cooking, and a list was circulated for the supply of salads or sweet dishes. Members are required to bring glasses and liquids and maybe a seat.

Market: The bookings numbers are looking healthy. The roster for jobs was circulated.

Health: Geoff Brentnall is home and would like to see visitors. Please ring before going and keep the visits short.

Social: 19/12/2017 - Christmas breakup will be at McGlashens Winery. Please bring a gift not exceeding $10, girls for girls and boys for boys. The theme is red and white. The cost will be $25.00 plus drinks.
- 3/3/2018. - Progressive Dinner.
- 17/4/2018 – Drive in Movie.
- 17/5/2018  - Car Rally.

Youth: Nominations of people aged between 18 – 25 years for the RYLA course to be held at Kangaroobi on April 8th – 13th 2017 were called for. Please notify Judy Greer if you know of someone who may be interested.

Community: Seniors Christmas Dinner.131 seniors have been invited to the Christmas Party. There have been 98 acceptances so far. Drivers will be contacted and are reminded to contact their passengers on the day to confirm arrangements.
- A booklet celebrating all that is special about the woodlands, wetlands, coast and estuary environments around Ocean Grove will be launched on Thursday 7th December from 5.30 – 6.30 pm at The Pavillion in the Ocean Grove Park.  An invitation is extended to those who may like to attend.

Guest Speaker: Peter Symons
Peter is the Chairman of the Foundation Fundraising Committee in our District 9780.
The motto is ‘Doing Good in the World’ through Peace, Health, Education and Alleviation of Poverty.
The Foundation is the ‘engine room’ of Rotary as it funds club projects in various ways. The most familiar at ordinary club level are District Designated grants that are managed by the district. There is also the Polio Plus Fund, the Endowment Fund, Peace Scholars and the Royce Abbey Award.
In 2017, 9780 clubs supported the Foundation and money donated exceeded previous years donations by 33.4%. 41% of members contributed directly.
Peter believes that for the Foundation to be truly effective clubs need to set goals for contribution levels. (Only 26 clubs had done this in our district in 2017.) However, compared with other districts in our zone, 9780 has been in the top ten of all contributions given to the various areas.
The project that Rotary worldwide feels is the most satisfying is Polio Plus. There have been 17 cases of wild strain polio reported this year in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. Unfortunately, vaccine instigated cases are on the rise mainly in Syria and the Congo. A very extensive vaccination program is currently underway in many conflict areas.   
Peter briefly spoke about the Paul Harris Fellowship, which commenced in 1957. Contributions go directly to the Foundation and can be made by: - Direct giving, Sustaining member donation, Centurian donation, Paul Harris Fellowship, (this can be purchased by members individually or given by clubs to recognize special service), Paul Harris Society Membership, or Benefactor status through a provision in an estate. Each category has nominated sums of donation. Contributions must be made through correctly established channels.
Peter also stressed that most money raised goes into the Foundation coffers for project funding, as administration and overhead costs are very low.

Thank you, AG