Sunday, November 26

Vol: 36 No: 21

November Theme: Rotary Foundation Month

Lookout Reserve Maintenance Roster:
12/11/2017 – 25/11/2017 John Wynn, 26/11/ 2017 – 9/12/2017, Jill Grigg-Dwyer,
10/12/2017 – 16/12/2017 Judy Greer, 17/12/2017 – 24/12/2017. Marion & Bill Walton.

Report of Meeting: 21/11/2017

Visitors: Principal Bellarine Secondary College – Mrs. Alison Murphy.
VCE Student Award 2016-2017:  Nina Denham and parents Elizabeth & David Denham.
Award Recipient 2017 – 2018:  Charlotte Tilley and Mother Angelique Tilley.
Award Recipient 2018 – 2019: Gabrielle (Gabbi) Giles and Mother Karen Giles.
Apology: Ms. Senem Shamsili  - Student Voice and Leadership Coordinator.
Prospective new member Nicole Powell and husband Terry.

Annual General Meeting.
The minutes and Financial Report of the AGM held on 15/11/2016 were proposed and seconded. There was no business arising from either matter.
The Board of Management was announced for 2018 – 2019.
There was no further business and the AGM was closed.


- Members are reminded that the Working With Children forms need to be filled in.
A reminder has been sent to those who have not completed the form.

Market: The attendance appeared to be good. Approximately $5000 was raised.
BBQ $1484.15, Site fees $1543.00, Raffle $238.00, Gold Coin Donation (Neighborhood Centre) $1360.00, Corn Throw $131.00, and many books sold for the Car Raffle.

Health: Geoff Brentnall is home and would like to see visitors. Please ring before going and keep the visits short.
A warm welcome was extended to Richard Grimmett and Heather. It is good to see how well Richard has recovered from his surgery and the improvement he is demonstrating.
Richard expressed his and Heathers thanks for the support they have received from members of the Club.

Art Show Sub Committee: The show was very successful and although there appeared more people passing through probably because of the Arts Trail there were only 30 paintings sold, however there were more Raffle Tickets sold. Profit from the show will be over $8000. The Committee has decided that the amount given to the two usual beneficiaries will be increased this year to $3500. Club members are asked to nominate charities or organizations that may receive the other $3500. These nominations must be in writing and given to either John Calnin or Alison George. John Calnin was very pleased with the numbers of helpers who assisted and thanked sincerely all the people who contributed to the successful 8th Art Show mounted by the Club.

Social: 19/12/2017 - Christmas breakup will be at McGlashens Winery.
Please bring a gift not exceeding $10. The theme is red and white.
- 3/3/2018. - Progressive Dinner.
- 17/4/2018 – Drive in Movie.
- 17/5/2018  - Car Rally.

Youth: Nominations of people aged between 18 – 25 years for the RYLA course to be held at Kangaroobi on April 8th – 13th 2017 were called for. Please notify Judy Greer if you know of someone who may be interested.

Vocational: - See report to follow.

Community: Noel Emselle announced the launch of a booklet issued by Coast Watch.
 -131 seniors have been invited to the Christmas Party. There have been 80 acceptances so far.

Guest Speakers: History. The Rotary Club of Ocean Grove offers an Award annually to provide financial assistance to a VCE student at Bellarine Secondary College for whom it might otherwise be difficult to complete Years 11 and 12. The Award of $1000 per year for 2 years is given to the school on trust and the Principal authorizes payments for educational related expenses. Application forms are distributed to appropriate year 10 students and the Principal considers the applications and a recommendation are then made to the Club Youth chair.
The fist award was made in 2008 – 9 so the presentation this year is the 11th made by the club.
The retiring recipient for2016 – 17, Nina Denham was School Captain this year. She has enjoyed year 12 greatly especially the opportunity to Los Angeles to study the cello. She has been accepted at the Australian College of Arts to study music. She also hopes to study Law at a later date and then would like to enter the entertainment industry. Nina played a short piece of music on her cello to the meeting.
The on-going recipient, Charlotte Tilley, hopes to follow an Arts program in 2018. The award has paid for books, excursions and hospitality sessions. She has been elected as a House Captain next year.
The new recipient, Gabrielle (Gabbi) Giles, is an assistant House Captain. She will follow a varied program in 2018. She hopes to study media and journalism in the future.
Each student expressed there thanks to the club for giving the award and stated that the two years of final secondary education was made easier because of the financial assistance.
The good wishes of the members go with them.
Judy Greer presented a cheque for $2000 to the Principal for the year ahead.

Thank you, AG