Monday, November 20

Vol: 36 No: 20

October Theme: Mental Health Month 

 Lookout Reserve Maintenance Roster: 12/11/2017 – 25/11/2017, John Wynn

Report of Meeting: 3/11/2017.
The Opening of the 8th Art Show was a designated meeting. The meeting on 7th November was cancelled.

It was with regret that the death of John Fox, Honorary Member, on 30/10/17 was announced. His son, Tony plans to organize a memorial occasion in Ocean Grove at a later date. There will be a private funeral in Melbourne.
- Members are reminded that the Working With Children forms need to be filled in. A reminder has been sent to those who have not completed the form.


Secretary: The AGM will be held at the Bowling Club on 19/11/2017.

Social: Several events are planned including a visit to a drive in movie, progressive dinner and car rally. The Christmas Meeting may be at a winery.

Vocational: - Visit to the Waltons Piggery on Sunday 12th November. Please see the recent email for details. There are currently 40 people booked. The Bus will leave from the Golf Club car park at 1.00pm and will return at approximately 6.00pm for dinner at the Golf Club.
**Please note there will be no meeting on 14th November as the Vocational visit to the Piggery is a designated meeting.

Community: 131 seniors have been invited to the Christmas Party.

Report of Meeting 12th November 2017.

This was a Vocational visit and therefore a designated meeting.
The meeting scheduled for 14th November was cancelled. A report of this visit will be included in the next edition.

Thank you, AG