Monday, January 22

Vol. 36, No: 29

Meeting Roles:

Lookout Reserve Maintenance Roster:

7/1/2018 – 13/1/2018     Norm Elliott.
14/1/2018 – 20/1/2018   Gil Morgan.
21/1/2018 - 27/1/2018   Alex Magee.
28/1/2018 – 10/2/2018   Geoff Chandler.

Report of Meeting: 16/1/2018.

Guests: Elizabeth McCrea, from the Mirabel Foundation.
              Nicole and Terry Vinken Powell.
              Barb and Chris Watson.

Nicole Vinken Powell was inducted into the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove to warm applause. Her
category is Early Childhood Education. She will join the Youth committee,  and the yet to be fully active Family Violence Committee. Her mentor will be Alison George.

The meeting this week was held at The Little Red Fox Restaurant at the Banks Road Winery. There were 58 members, partners and friends present. 


President: John Calnin is organizing a BBQ and entertainment in the main street on Australia Day. There will be entertainers, face painting and fun for all. It promises to be a good morning event and will revive the event, which occurred some years ago. Volunteers are needed. More information at the next meeting. All enjoyed the meal but I am not sure about the noise volume. However there was a lovely view if conversation became too difficult.

Market: The market held on January 7th 2018 appeared to be a great success as there were 100 stalls and lots of people enjoying the good weather. Profits will be available at the next meeting.

Health: - Vic Harnath is returning to hospital today for an operation, but has a cold so it may not proceed.

- 3/3/2018. - Progressive Dinner.
- 17/4/2018 – Drive in Movie.
- 17/5/2018  - Car Rally.

Youth; Nominations of people aged between 18 – 25 years for the RYLA course to be held at Kangaroobi on April 8th – 13th 2017 were called for. Please notify Judy Greer if you know of someone who may be interested.

Guest Speaker: Elizabeth McCrea.
The concept of the Mirabel Foundation arose from a discussion and idea developed over a kitchen table chat. The idea developed from involving 4 families to over 1500 across Victoria and New South Wales. The first discussion occurred in 1998 and the foundation subsequently became an organization to assist children who have been orphaned or abandoned due to parental illicit drug abuse and are now in the care of extended family.

The original and continuing belief is that every child deserves a childhood.
The mission of the organization is to break the destructive cycle of addiction and to provide every child has a childhood filled with love, support and belonging.
During the past year 350 new children were referred to Mirabel for crisis support and the number of ‘Mirabel’ children grew by 23%.

During the past year 588 children participated in camps, outings and special events. There were 1,023 tickets distributed so children could attend concerts, movies and sporting events.
141 children have attended 113 monthly therapeutic groups where social skills are learned and grief can be shared. Kinship carers have attended 49 monthly peer support groups adding electronic skills to provide further contact and support.

Mirabel House also provides respite for children and carers and for 120 children educational and individual support was provided by the foundation.

The last year has seen 273 volunteers give their time and expertise and 43 information and training sessions for individuals and businesses have been provided. An alumni of past children has been formed and will expand the experience and ongoing sense of connection and belonging for those who become involved with Mirabel.

Funding is gained through donations from trusts, foundations and fundraising as well as investments. There are also donations from State and Federal Governments.

It seems that from very small beginnings a great support organization has grown and unfortunately the need continues to increase.

President John presented a cheque for $1000 to Elizabeth. This donation came from the profit of the Art Show.

Please note there is no meeting on Tuesday 23/1/18 as the Australia Day activities will replace it.  

The Nature walk has been 'postponed'; The meeting on 30/1/18 will be at the Bowling Club.

Thank you, AG.

 Some considerations:

“Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.”   Jim Rohn

“Whether you think you can or whether you 
think you can't - you're right.”    Henry Ford