Monday, February 5

Vol. 36, No: 30.

Meetings Roster:

Lookout Reserve Maintenance Roster:

28/1/2018 – 10/2/2018 Geoff Chandler.
11/2/2018 - 24/2/2018 Peter Cullen.
25/2/2018 - 10/3/2018 Gary O’Donnell

Report of Meeting: 30/1/2018.
Guests: Nick Raicevic, Rotarian from Papua New Guinea. Guest Speaker.
Geoffrey Mann RI Geelong Central and Kevin Yard from Texas.
Shirley and Bob Osbourne sent their good wishes.

President: The BBQ and entertainment in the main street on Australia Day although slow to start progressed very well. A good report has been recorded in this weeks ‘Voice’
- $160.00 in donations was collected from the free sausage sizzle! The event will be repeated next
year. President John thanked all those who assisted and acknowledged the sponsorship from Edgar’s Real Estate at Barwon Heads.

- Geoff Brentnall has had contact with our ‘sister club’ in Germany Saltzgitter-Wuulfenbutel. He will try to maintain contact.

- There will be a meeting concerning the stakeholders in the development of the Cemetery on 13/3/2018. An email has been circulated.
- RI Torquay is holding a Motor Show on 11/2/2018.

• There were 50+ car raffle books sold at the Caravan Parks /Camping grounds on 2/1/2018. Well done everyone who was involved in the selling of the tickets
in the Car Raffle.
• Planning is progressing for the fundraising Dinner and Auction for MND to be held on 13/2/2018 at the Bowling Club. There has been great support shown by members, partners and friends with at least 120 people intending to attend.
• This figure is expected to rise and members MUST notify the Club if they are attending.

• The market held on January 7 th 2018 appeared to be a great success as there
were 100 stalls and lots of people enjoying the good weather. Profits were: BBQ $1756.60, Site fees $2857, Raffle $135, Corn Toss $73, Shelter Box Display $393.60.
• Reminder that there will be a Market at Ocean Grove Park on Sunday 4/2/2018. The
Roster has been circulated.

Health: Vic Harnath is home and taking life slowly at present as he recovers his equilibrium.

Art Show Sub Committee.
The final payments from the proceeds from the Art Show were presented. $1000 to Robyn Casey representative from the Mphatso Foundation and $1250.00 to Eng Ho for the purchase of a Shelter Box on behalf of the International Committee.

Membership: Rod Bush reported that there are two prospective members in the pipeline.

- 3/3/2018. - Progressive Dinner.
- 17/4/2018 – Drive in Movie.
- 17/5/2018 - Car Rally.

Nominations of people aged between 18 – 25 years for the RYLA course to be held at Kangaroobi on April 8th – 13th 2017 were called for. Please notify Judy Greer if you know of someone who may be interested.

Nominations are called for the Service Awards by 28/2/2018. The areas being recognized are Apprentice of the Year, Business of the year, Volunteer of the year and the Pride in Workmanship Award. Forms can be returned to the newsagent or Martin Geerings. A selection committee will be formed and will meet before the Club meeting on 6/2/2018.

There is only space for one team at the Community Bowls this year. Gerry Spencer has this in hand.

On to Conference: The District Conference will be held in Mount Gambier this year from 6-8th March. Information and Registration forms are available on the District website. The theme is ‘Making a Difference.’ The full registration cost is $210.00.

A coach and block accommodation can be arranged at $299.00. Contact Lynne Carlson.

Guest Speaker: Nick Raicevik.
Nick originally came from Geelong and gained a Law Degree from Melbourne University. He has since studied International Law and International Management at Deakin University. He is currently studying “Humanitarian Crises in the 21st Century) which addresses natural disasters and post war conflict) at Deakin University. This experience and knowledge has no doubt been beneficial during the last 20 years of working and living in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Indonesia and East Timor mostly with AusAid.

His most recent workplace has been in PNG. Nick spoke about his most recent experience in PNG that has a small population of 8 million mostly living and working in rural areas receives at least $500 million from Australia annually.

Nick stated that corruption is rife and 2-3% of the urban population are criminals (Rascals). English is the main language and whilst Christianity is predominant many traditional practices continue.

There is one house of Parliament with elected terms lasting 5 years. Each Parliamentarian receives 1.5 million Australian dollars on election with no accountability for usage required.

Nick belongs to RI Port Moresby at present. His Club is involved in accepting Donations-
In-Kind from Australia, water projects and cleaning of clinics. His main project and endeavours have been centered around the provision of vaccinations against cervical cancer in girls aged between 9-14 years. There were 26,000 girls in this range and so far there has been vaccination of 21,000 girls.

Each girl requires 2 injections in this age range and with aid from the Gates Foundation and the manufacturers in a matching global grant the high cost of each dose has been available at $4.00 per shot. Hopefully the program will be extended nationally.

Nick is home at the moment awaiting whatever the future brings.



The older generation thought nothing of getting up at 5am to head off to work ....... the younger generation don't think much of it either.