Saturday, February 17

Vol: 36 No: 32

Theme: World Understanding Month.

Lookout Reserve Maintenance Roster:
11/2/2018 - 24/2/2018   Peter Cullen.
25/2/2018 - 10/3/2018   Gary O’Donnell
11/3/2018 - 24/3/2018   John Paton.
25/3/2018 - 7/8/2018     Dick Clay.

Report of Meeting: 13/2/2018.

Guests: ADG Di Crawford and Richard Crawford.
Guest Speaker, Kristen Hilton, Equal Opportunity Commissioner appointed in 2016.
Chairman, Ian Cover from the ‘Couda - Been - Champions’
Entertainment: ‘The Escarpment Trio.’
Auctioneer: Peter Malloy. (R J Edgar)

A large attendance (230) Rotarians their partners and guests were present at the long anticipated and planned for Dinner and Auction in aid of Motor Neurone Disease.

Guest Speaker was Kristen Hilton a Churchill Fellow and holder of many other awards.
Kristen grew up in Khyabrim and was a Rotary exchange Student in Denmark where she became familiar with the progressive social view and equal rights philosophy of the Danes. Her involvement with Motor Neurone Disease grew with the onset, progress of the condition and certain death after soon after diagnosis suffered by her stepfather figure in Morrie Fowler. She spoke about the importance of belonging to a group and the need of role models, particularly for youth when faced with such stark realization of life.
Kristen explained how the illness affected her loved family and those within their circle of friends and how Morrie himself dealt with the symptoms and effects on all aspects of his life.
The significance of the blue cornflower we were given signifies a frail looking object but with great strength as it survives harsh-growing conditions.
Kristen’s address was acknowledged with thoughtful applause, as I am sure she gave many of those present great ‘food’ for thought.

President: - A meeting will be held in March between the Rotary Clubs of Drysdale, Queenscliff and Ocean Grove to support the formation and conduct a course for those involved in mental health issues with young people. Each Club has provided $800 to provide advertising and initial running costs as well as contacting youth groups, e.g. scouting, sporting bodies and schools. The impetus has come from ‘Hero Town Inc.’ an organization based in Geelong who will conduct a course of 14 hours over a two-day period at the Point Lonsdale Primary School Hall. Judy Greer will provide more information if needed.
- ‘Honour Our Fallen.’ RSL. RI Ocean Grove, schools and other organizations are trying to identify tombstones of returned soldiers so an Australian Flag can be put on each grave this Anzac Day.

Announcements: Judy Greer was congratulated on her achieving the ‘Victorian Premiers Volunteer Champion Award (service).
Rotary Merchandise is available either through Pearl Macmillan directly on the RDU website.
-  ‘Ride the Bellarine is on Sunday, April 6th. Volunteers are needed. See John Paton if able to volunteer.

Foundation: After members’ endeavours at sausage sizzles it has been decided that the motto of ‘Doing Good in the World’ should be enhanced with the edition of ‘one sausage at a time.’

- 3/3/2018. - Progressive Dinner. Three venues are needed for this event. See Richard Grimmett.
- 17/4/2018 – Drive in Movie.
- 17/5/2018  - Car Rally.

Youth: Nominations of people aged between 18 – 25 years for the RYLA course to be held at Kangaroobi on April 8th – 13th 2017 were called for. Please notify Judy Greer if you know of someone who may be interested.
- The Graham Bath Community Development Award program is underway for this year The Primary Schools have been contacted.

Vocational: Nominations are called for the Service Awards by 28/2/2018. The areas being recognized are Apprentice of the Year, Business of the year, Volunteer of the year and the Pride in Workmanship Award.  Forms can be returned to the newsagent or Martin Geerings. A selection committee will be formed and will meet before the Club meeting on 6/2/2018.

Community: Community Bowls this year has commenced with the Club team being successful. Gerry Spencer stated that we could field another team. Please see him if interested.
On to Conference: The District Conference will be held in Mount Gambier this year from 6-8th March. Information and Registration forms are available on the District website. The theme is ‘Making a Difference.’ The full registration cost is $210.00.
A coach and block accommodation can be arranged at $299.00. Contact Lynne Carlson.

Thank you, AG