Saturday, February 24

Vol: 36 No: 33

Theme: World Understanding Month.

Lookout Reserve Maintenance Roster: 25/2/2018 - 10/3/2018 Gary O’Donnell,
11/3/2018 - 24/3/2018 John Paton, 25/3/2018 - 7/8/2018 Dick Clay

Report of Meeting: 20/2/2018.

Guests: Jacqui Honeywell, her parents Sue and Phil and sister Alex.
Andrea Tierney, a prospective new member.
President: Youth Mental Health First Aid Course. The decision to mount this course was made in December with the three Rotary Clubs on the Bellarine contributing $800 to enable participants doing this course free entry. The course is to be held for two days over the weekend of 17th & 18th March. The Club has sent out a letter to all the sporting groups, the Scouting Association and the Community Centre (now Bellarine Training and Community Hub Inc.) inviting them to register a participant. If any of the members know of someone who may be interested see Judy or Gil. The course alerts people to the early signs of mental health problems in teenagers and young adults and what may be done to instigate treatment and support. Hopefully there will be lots of photos in the ‘Voice.’
- ‘Honour Our Fallen.’ RSL. RC of Ocean Grove, schools and other organisations are trying to identify tombstones of returned soldiers so an Australian Flag can be put on each grave this Anzac Day.
Announcements: John announced that $13,900.00 had been raised with the Dinner and Auction for MND held last week. He expressed his thanks to all who had contributed so generously and made the event such a great success.
- Rod Greer has some cartridges for a printer going begging. See him if you can use them.
. Coral Barker has some for an HP printer as well. See Coral if interested.
- Sam and Don Ho are expecting a baby boy in August.

Rotary Merchandise is available either through Pearl Macmillan directly on the RDU website.
-  ‘Ride the Bellarine is on Sunday, April 15th. Volunteers are needed. See John Paton if able to volunteer. Raffle tickets for the donated BBQ were issued to members.
- The Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings netted $1500.00. Well done! We have the opportunity to repeat the performance this Sunday! List circulated.

Market: Adrian circulated a list for volunteers for the Market on 4/3/2018.

Social: - 3/3/2018. - Progressive Dinner. Three venues are needed for this event. See Richard Grimmett. A list for attendees was circulated.
- 17/4/2018 – Drive in Movie.
- 17/5/2018  - Car Rally.

Youth: Nominations of people aged between 18 – 25 years for the RYLA course to be held at Kangaroobi on April 8th – 13th 2017 were called for. Please notify Judy Greer if you know of someone who may be interested.
- The Graham Bath Community Development Award program is underway for this year The Primary Schools have been contacted and visited.
Vocational: Nominations are called for the Service Awards by 28/2/2018. The areas being recognized are Apprentice of the Year, Business of the year, Volunteer of the year and the Pride in Workmanship Award.  Forms can be returned to the newsagent or Martin Geerings. A selection committee will be formed and will meet before the Club meeting on 6/2/2018.

Community: The meeting on the 13/3/18 will be held at the Nature Reserve. Dinner will be supplied by the ‘Groove’ but BYO drinks, cutlery and seating etc. will needed. Bring Mosquito repellant and a torch might be handy, as we will be exploring in the dusk!

On to Conference: The District Conference will be held in Mount Gambier this year from 6-8th April. Information and Registration forms are available on the District website. The theme is ‘Making a Difference.’ The full registration cost is $210.00.
A coach and block accommodation can be arranged at $299.00. Contact Lynne Carlson.

Guest Speaker: Jacqui Honeywell, the retuning Youth Exchange student from 2017 told members of her experiences. Jacqui spent her year with three families in Saxon Germany. The area was in East Germany whilst the communist regime was in place.
Her fist placement was with a family near a small town called Havelberg about an hour out of Berlin. She went skiing in Austria, became involved with fundraising and toured around Hamburg and Berlin during this placement. She also had to catch the school bus at 6.30am to attend school where she studied 12 subjects.
Her second placement was in town so the school day was not as long. Whilst here she travelled to the Baltic Sea and became more familiar with her local Rotary Club where there was only one female member. Jacqui also gave several presentations to the clubs especially as her German improved. During this time 61 exchange students did a Euro tour in 15 days seeing 10 countries travelling on a double decker bus. They travelled to Amsterdam – bike riding, attended the opera in Vienna, and ‘did’ Geneva, Budapest, Prague and Austria.
Memories of her third host family included a busy household as her host mother was the Mayor, but Markets, canoeing were enjoyed. The Mosquitoes were not!
Jacqui thanked the Club for supporting her and mentioned especially Marion and her parents. The major benefits gained were great improvement in her language skills, the completion of a whole year 11 and the friendships made with the other international exchange students. Jacqui has some further ideas about Rotary Exchange and would encourage further participation of the Club if possible.

Thank you, AG