Sunday, March 18

Vol: 36 No: 36

Theme: Literacy Month.

Lookout Reserve Maintenance Roster:

11/3/2018 - 24/3/2018 John Paton, 25/3/2018 - 7/4/2018 Dick Clay.

Report of Meeting: 13/3/2018. 

Guests: Andrea and Chris Tierney. President John Calnin read to Andrea the words of the Induction procedure into membership of the Club. Andrea was welcomed very warmly into the Club by the members. Her category is Education, she will join the Vocational Committee and Rod Birrell will be her mentor.

- A small group will meet on Saturday morning to commence the role the Club might play in the management of those experiencing Family violence in our area.
- Some investigation will be done to follow up the provision of pets for disabled persons and how the club may be involved.
Announcements: Rod Greer spoke about a project that has originated outside the district involving both physical and monetary action. It is called ‘Slide into Sri Lanka and would operate mainly in the Northern areas of the country, an area much affected by the Tamil Tiger offensives. The army would be involved in the program as well. The Flemington and Belmont Rotary has provided unwanted / out of date playground equipment for a school for girls. The project has expanded with more clubs becoming interested. The plan is to reuse suitable unwanted equipment that is easily reassembled (there will be an easily understood work book supplied) in the chosen areas.
The equipment currently being considered is from the COGG.
The Clubs involved will select suitable playground equipment that is easily reassembled, and ensure that legal requirements are in place. Shipping will be through DIK. The project would involve some physical labour. It is hoped to involve and deal with the military and Rotary Clubs in Sri Lanka. The Board has endorsed this program so further plans will be devised and implemented. Watch this space.

-  ‘Ride the Bellarine’ is on Sunday, April 15th. See John Paton if able to volunteer. Raffle tickets for the donated BBQ were issued to members.
 - Gary Newton will speak to members on Polio in Australia on 27/3/2018.He can be viewed on the Ride the Bellarine website.

Market: Many hands on deck will be needed for the Market on Easter Monday 2/3/2018.

- 17/4/2018 – Drive in Movie.
- 17/5/2018 – Car Rally.

Youth: The RYLA program will be held this year. RYPEN will not.
Youth Mental Health First Aid Course. The course is to be held for two days over the weekend of 17th & 18th March. The course alerts people to the early signs of mental health problems in teenagers and young adults and what may be done to instigate treatment and support. There has not been overwhelming interest but the course will go ahead. There are 24 places available.
- The Graham Bath Community Development Award program is well underway for this year The Primary Schools have been contacted and visited. Parents are being involved. There are 50 students interested.
A student has expressed interest in participating in the 2019 Youth Exchange Program.
An interview will be arranged.
 The national Youth Science Program held annually in Canberra in January is generating interest. The Club will assist towards some of the costs of an attendee from the Bellarine.

Vocational: The successful nominees and winners for the four categories in the Service Award will be presented at the meeting on 20/3/2018. Members of the Club formed a selection panel.

Community: The meeting on the 13/3/18 was held at the Nature Reserve. The ‘Groove’ provided the meal that consisted of curries and rice, fruit salad and slice.
Discussion is ongoing with future plans for the Lookout Reserve and the Grubb Road pathway.

Footy Tipping: It’s on again so if you need to replenish the cellar and have some fun, see Alex Magee, part with $50 and you are in. Please register as requested.

On to Conference: The District Conference will be held in Mount Gambier this year from 6-8th April. Information and Registration forms are available on the District website. The theme is ‘Making a Difference.’ The full registration cost is $210.00.
A coach and block accommodation can be arranged at $299.00. Contact Lynne Carlson.

Guest Speakers: Stewart a District Ranger, and Fiona, President of the Friends of the Nature Reserve. There is a close working relationship with Parks Victoria to manage the reserve with very limited funding from the Government. There are 9 parks/reserves in Victoria who have to divide the $12,000 allocated to this area. The Community through donation and fundraising activities supplies other funding. The land for the reserve was available in 1969 and 1973.
RI Drysdale built the building on the site in 1961
The vegetation is not all indigenous and the reserve has become a woodland area through well-meant mismanagement. The hope in the future is to manage the reserve better and to restore the original grassland conditions. With the development of the Oakdene estate it is realized that different infrastructure is needed. There is also a need to revise the use of the building and install a better power supply.
Fiona is keen to involve schools and the wider community in advertising the projects and educational resources available. The development of the ‘Protector’ mascot, a wallaby needs promotion also. Children from surrounding kindergartens come to the reserve everyday. It is planned to develop a welcoming aspect of the reserve and to encourage care and respect for the vital nature of ecology and its dependent wildlife that either lives or visits the area.
It is hoped that there can be some area in which the Club can become involved in the future.


Thank you:  A George.