Saturday, March 24

Vol: 36 No: 37

Theme: Literacy Month

Lookout Reserve Maintenance Roster:  Richard Clay 25/3/18 – 7/4/18

GUESTS: Chris and Barbara Watson, Award recipients and their guests, as below, Family of Pearl Macmillan – Irene, Norma and Andrea Dunkin, Drew McPhail.

VISITING ROTARIAN: Nick Raicevic from Papua New Guinea Rotary Club

PRESIDENTS REPORT: Western District 9780 Fire Appeal, direct donations to John Calnin. He is also looking for help with the ‘Pets for the Disabled’ project, see John Calnin if you can help.

INDUCTION OF CHRIS WATSON: Classification retired farmer, dairying. Mentor Geoff Ford.    
President John with Chris & Barbara Watson 

CHAIR: Martin Geerings, Presentation of Vocational Awards:

Terry Nation with Ivy & Tony Zhanu
The Groove Cafe 

WINNER: The Groove Café, Ivy and Tony Zhanu, presented with a cheque for $100. Ivy thanked Rotary as said how much they enjoyed running a business in Ocean Grove, where all their customers were known to them and many had become friends.
Nominated by: Terry Nation, presented with a cheque for $100. He commended the Café for employing and training local young people.


WINNER: Christine Lomas, Customer Service Assistant, Coles, presented with cheque for $100. Christine thanked Rotary and said how much she appreciated her work.
Nominated by: Anne Geerings, presented with a cheque for $100. Anne said that she known Christene for 35 years. Christene went above her duties in her work. She started in 1980 at ‘Tucker Bag’. Anne said she would donate her cheque to a local charity.
Accompanying guests: Neale Lomas, and Alisha McLean.

Robin Munro with Neil & Muriel Derrick 

WINNER: Neil Derrick, Ocean Grove Uniting Church, value of prize $200, plus cheque for nominated charity for $300. Neil asked that the prizes be combined and be donated $250 to Riding for the Disabled and $250 to Surfing for the Disabled. Neil thanked Rotary for the honour and said he felt very humble. Volunteers keep the country running. He tried to follow the advice his father gave him when he first left home at age 15 “When you leave a place make sure it is a better place for your being there”. He thanked his wife Muriel.
 Nominated by: Robin Munro, presented with cheque for $100. Robin said that Neil does good work throughout the year and is one of the community’s “unsung heroes”.
Accompanying guests: Muriel Derrick.


WINNER: Corey Grundy, Ocean Grove All Makes Automotive, presented with a cheque for $500, sponsored by The Ocean Grove Business Association. The cheque was presented by Ty Symons, OGBA, who said how important apprentices were to the future of business in the area. Corey thanked the business for putting him on as an apprentice and giving him a career start. He also thanked Rotary.
 Nominated by Sylvia and Laurie Flanagan: All Makes Automotive, presented with a cheque for $100. Sylvia said that Corey started with them in June 2017 and was progressing well. He was very amenable at work and accepted by all the staff. He was punctual and methodical and had a bright future.

Martin Geerings congratulated all the winners. He said they had received 3 nominees for the Apprentice Award, 10 for the Small Business Award, 5 for the Pride of Workmanship Award and 9 for the Volunteer Award, plus there had been several late entries. He thanked Tony Haines for preparing certificates for the winners and all the finalists. An article about the Awards would be put on our website and would also appear in the Ocean Grove Voice.
Martin Geerings & President John with the winners & nominators

Alex McGee – Footy Competition. There were now 20 participants. It starts this week, so you need to have your entries in by Thursday (too late now by the time you read this!). He will be away for two weeks, but Geoff Chandler will be in charge in his absence.
Richard Clay – ANZAC dawn service breakfast is being organised. Please let him know if you can do it again this year.

President John Calnin thanked the Ocean Grove Business Association for partnering us in this event. He thanked Martin Geerings for all his work in organising the Event.

NEXT WEEK: The guest speaker is Gary Newton, Committee member for Polio Australia and Ambassador for Ride the Bellarine. He is a Polio survivor and will talk about the experiences of survivors and his recent trip to India witnessing the Polio Plus program at work.

Thank you, Ann Hodgkinson