February Theme: World Understanding Month.
Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club Of Ocean Grove
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday , February 14th, 6.00pm for 6.30 pm.
Speaker: DGE Helen Trigg Subject: Her adventures in Rotary training.
Tom Attard will report on his participation in the National Youth Science Forum held in Canberra in January.
Chairperson: Rod Greer.
Assistant Cashier and Thanker: Ian Bent.
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: Rod Bush.
Weekly Raffle: Coral Barker.
Birthdays and Anniversaries; 15/2 Val and Wal Kelly.
Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday, February 21st, 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Speaker: Katrina Heath, Subject: Volunteer work for U.N. in Liberia.
Chairperson: Alex Magee.
Assistant Cashier and Thanker: Marion Walton.
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: Richard Trigg.
Weekly Raffle: Graeme Chamberlain.
Birthday and Anniversaries: none.
Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove
18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
Tuesday, February 28th , 6.00p.m for 6.30p.m.
Speaker: Sally Ford, Subject: Dealing with child allergies from a parent's perspective.
Chairperson: Geoff Eglin.
Assistant Cashier and Thanker: Geoff Chandler.
Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: John Eyles.
Weekly Raffle: Bill Steains.
Birthday and Anniversaries: 6/3 Dick Clay.
3/3 Pam and Tony Haines.
Report of the Meeting 7/2/12.
Notes and reminders:
- Gillian Morgan was welcomed for her 3rd visit.
- Bernie O'Dea from the Rotary Club of Echuca visited.
- Noel Emselle reminded us that the sunset cruise to the South Channel Fort on the 24/2 at 5.30p.m There are only limited places left. Cost $45.00. See Noel for bookings.
- Gary Golding reported that 43 books in the car raffle were sold on Sunday at the Market. There were 724 books sold all up. WELL DONE EVERYONE! -The 31 people going to the District Conference at Warrnambool will need a PINK T Shirt. See Gary for sizes. There is still some accommodation available, see Rod Greer if you want to go.
- Reminder to fill in for social membership of the Bowls Club and to give same to Secy Vic.
- The vandalism at the Surfside Primary School was mainly broken windows, the garden was not too bad.
- Notes from Group 8&9 Meeting. 1. Smoke alarm batteries replacement. Due to local council legislation and "our patch" concern by COGG departments Rotary will no longer proceed with this service. All batteries held by Highton Club will be donated to COGG . 2.District Conference organizers have requested a visual presentation of what we do in the Club.
- Market report. James Ricchini, there were 466 cars. $765 was collected for the Mens Shed. Most stall holders were reasonably despite the horrible weather.
- Marion Walton. Reminder re the Merry Widow at 13th Beach on 18th Feb. and on the 19th The evening concert in the Geelong Botanic Gardens. Cost $15.00. Provide your own everything.
- Partners would be welcomed on 14/2… It is Valentines Day!
- Gerry Spencer reported that the Bowls competition is going well.
- Geoff Brentnall is organizing a team to play at the RACV Club at Torquay on 27/2. See Geoff if interested.
Guest Speaker: Anton van Dornick.
Model village Project in Sariri PNG. This is a RAWCS Project.
The Geelong Rotary Club have been involved for two plus years. The main aim is to build one of 100 houses using mostly local materials and to teach the people how to use and especially maintain the equipment. The houses are built on ordinary sized blocks and the remaining land is used to grow produce for local consumption and sale. Further equipment is to be sent in May including a Ferguson tractor and farming implements. Hopefully these will arrive before the next team goes up and not three weeks after the team leaves as happened last time. A shed is needed to house these items. The next team will go in May and a builder and plumber are needed. There is a need for $8,000 to fund the project further, this includes the cost of the container which is filled with goods collected through Donations in Kind
Did you know….?
- Koalas and humans are the only animals with unique fingerprints.
- In a year, the average person walks four miles making their bed.
- The first hair dryer was powered by diesel fuel.
- The penguins that inhabit the tip of South America are called jackass penguins.